Ancient Chinese medical sages and scientists observed nature, especially nature within themselves and discovered so many things about the human body and mind that are being confirmed by modern biomedical science. They recognized that we humans have Three Treasures: Jing, the personal blueprint and instinctive genius and capacity for life that creates our body’s structure and functions. Jing produces the other two treasures: Qi, our life force, our biochemical, bioelectric, magnetic energy that drives physical function and emotional expression, and Shen, our mind and spirit.
Good Chinese Medicine works on all three of these levels: To preserve Jing, which promotes healthy longevity, to nourish Qi and blood, and remove stagnant Qi to encourage clear Shen. This allows our destinies to unfold freely and authentically without the obstruction of illness and learned destructive patterns. Every person’s Three Treasures are unique, and require individual, customized assessment and treatment. This is true holistic medicine, not just using natural remedies to escape or suppress symptoms.
We recommend that everyone get vaccinated, unless they have a medical condition that could get aggravated by the vaccine. There is a lot of misinformation swirling about, but the data on vaccines is generally agreed upon by 98% of the medical and scientific world.
We want to share with you what we are doing to keep all of us, ourselves included, healthy and safe from the coronavirus even though we are fully vaccinated,
For now, we are making appointments by phone: 760-676-7518
Or email: Carolyn@TwoSagesAcupuncture.com/David@TwoSagesAcupuncture.com
Please don’t use the website appointment function for now, so we can pre-screen everyone for possible COVID-19 symptoms, exposure to anyone with symptoms regardless of testing, recovering status in case you had COVID-19, travel history, etc.
If you have respiratory symptoms or we are unsure of your COVID-19 status, we can do a telemedicine consult via Zoom or if you have tested positive for COVID-19 and have a mild case and are resting at home, we can also do a telemedicine consult and mail appropriate herbal medicines to you. We are staying informed about the research on Chinese herbs that have been helping in China and the US. Please be aware that we can not see you if you have any respiratory symptoms at all.
Here are our protocols for in-person appointments:
We will observe SOCIAL DISTANCING as much as possible.
We will be wearing FACE MASKS during your visit for your protection.
We should all be wearing masks in all indoor public places to protect others from our own saliva. As you probably know by now, even vaccinated people can become infected or otherwise serve as spreaders of the virus without any symptoms being present.
So please arrive wearing a face mask (something sturdier than a bandana); if you don’t have one, we will give you one from our supply.
If you wear rubber gloves, please take them off outside so that you don’t bring them inside. We sanitize the front door handles frequently.
Use the HAND SANITIZER in the waiting room when you arrive.
We will take your temperature using a non-touch digital thermometer, as well as ask you the above questions again. We also have an oximeter to check for oxygen saturation in the blood, which is an early warning sign of the disease.
We are seeing patients on the hour so there will only be one person, if any, in the waiting room at any one time, and we have time to disinfect treatment rooms between patients. We are using disposable treatment table covers
If you bring a guest, we will ask them to wait for you outside of the office so we can keep the waiting room empty for the next patient.
We will try to make your payments touchless; we are accepting credit cards, paypal, venmo, checks, and, of course, cash.
And after all those safety procedures……….go into a treatment room and relax!
Thank you for cooperating with these procedures—nobody wants to get this virus!
We can’t wait to see you again—we have missed you and our work!
We hope you enjoy our vintage photos which symbolize our commitment to continuity with centuries of Chinese medicine and wisdom.