Did we really name Two Sages Acupuncture after ourselves? Yes, we are experienced practitioners now, with 65 years of experience between us, but our intent was really to honor the two sages who provide the philosophical inspiration for our Three Treasures style, Laozi (Lao Tzu), and Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu).

This 2500 year-old Lao-Zhuang teaching about the Dao, the Way Of All Things, is expressed most clearly to us in nature, and Daoists develop a clear-eyed, welcoming observation of change, the only constant in life, through the transformations of yin and yang and the five elements.

The sage cooperates with the Dao of nature in his or her self, and develops the qualities of naturalness, effortless action, spontaneity, flexibility, and humility.

The five virtues of propriety, integrity, justice and righteousness, wisdom and benevolence then are manifested in them. Daoists cultivate their Three Treasures through meditation, qi gong, and natural living. This is woven through all of our work, and we also provide special one-hour private advisory sessions for application of these principles to life issues.

If you are interested in reading Laozi or Zhuangzi’s books, our favorite translations are recommended on our Resources page.