
Carolyn M. Cohen, L. Ac.

I’ve been studying and practicing Chinese medicine for 35 years and I am still excited every day by our treatment results and the deep understanding of life that this teaches me.

Patients with all types of disharmonies are welcome to our office, from musculoskeletal pain to chronic illnesses, from infections to gynecological imbalances, from respiratory to digestive diseases, and the effects of stress and trauma, but I always root treatment in the ancient Chinese understanding and practices of Three Treasures medicine.  So it is always truly mind/body healing, which lasts and serves growth/evolution/lasting change.

I am especially interested in TCM’s ability to relieve trauma in the body and mind, and I am adding to my knowledge by training to become a Somatic Experiencing practitioner, so stay tuned if you are interested in that.

Qi gong has changed and healed me profoundly and I teach a form that I’ve practiced for thirty years.

My other passion is teaching about TCM and Daoist philosophy of mind and its application to emotional well-being.   This perspective is woven into my treatments when appropriate.

I train other acupuncturists through Continuing Education courses, and have taught this at Yosan University of Chinese Medicine for 15 years.


  • Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, UCLA

  • California Acupuncture College

  • Master of Traditional Oriental Medicine, Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine


David M. Cohen, L. Ac.

I began practicing acupuncture in the mid 1980’s, just as the AIDS epidemic was hitting Los Angeles with full force and became deeply involved in treating a disease for which the only medicines available at the time were extremely toxic. I learned a lot about the treatment of complex viruses with acupuncture and Chinese herbs, but most importantly I learned how critical the human spirit is in dealing with chronic illness. Some time later I became the lead acupuncturist at the Moonview Sanctuary in Santa Monica where we specialized in addiction and recovery, and this deepened my conviction about the role our emotions play in our physical well-being. I can express my healing approach quite simply: warmth, humor and authenticity.

I have been a teacher most of my life; that was my mother’s legacy to me. I have lectured both locally and internationally. In the mid-eighties, I taught at Samra University in the Rampart district of L.A.,where I also served as Director of a TCM clinic that actively served that largely Hispanic community. It was there that I designed and ran my first HIV study, in conjunction with the Institute for Traditional Medicine in Portland. I was one of the original faculty at Yo San University, where I taught for over thirty years, serving as Clinic director, and chairman of the TCM faculty, and, finally as Professor Emeritus in Traditional Chinese Medicine.


  • B.A., Swarthmore College, 1968

  • Acupuncture Certificate, California Acupuncture College, 1985