Food Medicine

The Nei Jing, the 2,000 year old classic of Chinese medicine says, “The saints did not wait for illnesses to appear, but took care of them before they appeared. To wait for the illness to develop before remedying it is to wait until one is thirsty before digging the well. Is this not too late?”

We take care of illness before it appears through our daily habits, like eating. Chinese medical nutrition is a beautiful system of cooperation with our personal constitutional needs, the seasons, and our environment.  It is as much about how we eat as what we eat, and emphasizes the fresh, seasonal, local, varied natural food that our bodies crave, eaten in peace and enjoyment rather than extreme, restricted diets or a reliance on nutritional supplements, which are more akin to pharmaceuticals that food.

Acupuncture and a calm attitude while eating has improved the digestive health of many people. We will help you learn to eat according to your nature and current imbalances without deprivation.